Baby Girl Flowers

Baby Girl Flowers


Summer Cheer Bouquet

Summer Cheer Bouquet

Red Carnations


Goto Florist

SKU: 15701312863585 Categories: ,


Simply elegant – Fabulous Red Carnations; Brighten the day up with a dozen of these fabulous red carnations. These simple, classic flowers will bring a touch of elegance to any setting, all for the amazing price of just £19.99. As with all the other flowers in our cool value flowers range, these Red Carnations are simply and carefully packed by our florists and will arrive ready to arrange in your own vase and “in bud”, which means the flowers have a longer vase life – so you have longer to enjoy the beauty of your fresh carnations. These flowers can be ordered for UK flower delivery 7 days a week. Options for guaranteed next day delivery are available at our checkout. For a special touch, why not add a personalised handwritten greetings card to accompany your flowers, instead of our normal printed one?

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