Friendship - Yellow Roses

Friendship – Yellow Roses


Rose & Lily Bouquet

Rose & Lily Bouquet

Sensation Lilies


Goto Florist

SKU: 15701216698205 Categories: ,


Sensational – Sensation Lilies; Fresh from the Lily Selection range are our stunning Sensation Lilies. This beautiful bouquet is excellent value for money at just £39.00. A gorgeous hand tied bouquet of fresh and vibrant oriental lilies, this fabulous floral arrangement has a delightful scent which will brighten and fragrance any room in the home or office. They arrive bud ready which means they will last a lot longer, as will your enjoyment of them. A bouquet of pretty pink lilies will always make for a pleasantly surprising and wonderfully unexpected gift to mark any special occasion such as a birthday or anniversary. These alluring oriental lilies could also be gifted to yourself as a way to brighten up your own surroundings! Show that special person in your life how important they are to you with the Sensation Lilies – beautiful lilies for only £39.00 including standard delivery to any address in the UK! Have these flowers delivered 7 days a week throughout the UK. Your flowers will be delivered in our special delivery box to prevent damage while in transit, so they arrive in excellent condition all for just £39.00! Additional Options For that extra special personal touch, why not a box of delicious Lindt Chocolates, a cuddly teddy, a chic glass vase or a Handwritten Card to say thankyou. You may also be interested in… We also have a large selection arrangements containing lilies and an array of different gift sets to suit every occasion.

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